Hélder Fábio Ferreira's interview

We interviewed Hélder Fábio Ferreira!
Visit the blog: Food, Drink & The Good Life.
Hello Hélder Fábio Ferreira, so tell us...
When did you begin your blog and what inspired you to start it?
I've began with the blog about a year and a half ago, by coincidence I was looking for something to challenge me. One day, whilst I was talking to one of my colleagues, she suggested to create a blog. And a couple of weeks after fdgoodlife was born
In your wildest dreams, where would your blog take you in the next few years?
To be honest, I would love to continue learning to cook, improve my writing, working on my creativity with the inputs of the blog followers. In my wildest dreams I would like to have a very interactive blog ;)
What is your favourite dish of all time?
The next one!
I am passionate about new flavours and experiences, but at the same time the traditional gastronomy… Nevertheless If you ask me to say one, the simplest but not the easiest: fresh seabram grilled on carbon.
Your photos are great, in your opinion what makes a dish beautiful?
This is a big challenge of the blog, to be able to pass the sensations and the flavours of a dish through a photo and words… So the most important thing is the love you put on it! this will reflect all the attention and care you put on it…
Do you have a secret weapon in the kitchen?
Putting all of myself, 100% in what I am doing, and having no fear to fail… because with these two ingredients is almost guaranteed…
What is your earliest memory involving food?
To be honest my earliest memories involving food are not that good, I didn’t like to eat, at least the healthy dishes that my mom prepared… So I usually say that till 18 I ate to live and now I live to eat
Are there any chefs that you admire in particular?
There are two chefs that I follow and inspire me…
Jamie Oliver because of his contribution to the democratization of cooking. Some of his books, and projects, and now the foodtube that have broken several myths like the one that you need a lot of time to prepare a great dish and the educative/responsible role that he looks to play in nowadays society. And then, the Portuguese Chef José Avillez, who usually works with typical Portuguese gastronomy ingredients and reinvents new ways of cooking it
Which Gourmandize recipe would you recommend? (if none take your fancy add your own and share it with us!)
I only published two desert recipes… The Cheesecake recipe that you can find on this link… http://fdgoodlife.blogspot.com.es/2013/09/the-best-cheesecake-of-world.html
Any last words or message for our readers?
Hope you had a good time reading this interview and I would challenge you to follow us at twitter (@fdgoodlife) and our facebook page! (https://www.facebook.com/FoodDrinkTheGoodLife)
I will inspire you to cook and enjoy it!
Thank you Hélder Fábio Ferreira for answering our questions and see you soon!
Published by Laurence - 01/10/2013
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Comment on this interview
'excellent advice' I meant... ;)
Commented by cordobaperez
'No fear to fail' is a escellent advice in cooking and in life. Great interview and blog.
Commented by cordobaperez