Nancy's interview

We interviewed Nancy!
Visit the blog: Spicie Foodie.
Discover Nancy's favourite recipe: Baked stuffed courgettes with spinach, ricotta and pine nuts
Hello Nancy, so tell us...
When did you begin your blog and what inspired you to start it?
I began in July of 2009, four years ago. My blog came to life because at the time I needed a distraction from my day job. Also because at this time is also when my love for food and food photography really blossomed, and I wanted to share it with people.
If you could go back in time, what is the one piece of advice you would give your younger self as they started out on your blog?
To always keep focused on the passion that began it all and that quality matters much more than quantity. Also to always be myself. These are things that will always matter to me and keep me going on this food blog journey.
What is your favorite dish of all time?
One? I couldn't pick just one, but I do really love enchiladas, curry, sushi, pho and a creme brulee or anything chocolate is always great for dessert.
Your photos are great, in your opinion what makes a dish beautiful?
I think it's all about focusing on the strongest point of every dish, and then accentuating that point is important.
Any dish can be photographed beautifully. All it needs is a little styling, a few shots from different angles to see which is most flattering and a bit of patience on the part of the photographer.
Do you have a secret weapon in the kitchen?
Sharp knifes and my (large) collection of spices.
What is your earliest memory involving food?
It would have to be running to the tortilleria, or tortilla factory, in my childhood hometown in Mexico. To this day I reminisce on the smell and warmth of fresh tortillas as they were handed over to me by the attendant. On my way home I would always eat one as I simply couldn't resist them.
Are there any chefs that you admire in particular?
The chefs I admire are home cooks with no professional training but their own, and who have skills handed down to them by other home cooks. I admire my mother, my sister and my husband -- all great cooks who have taught me a few things.
If you could be a contestant or guest on any cooking show what show would you choose?
Honestly, I don't watch cooking shows so I couldn't even give you a name. Perhaps I need to do some catching up on Youtube, lol.
Which Gourmandize recipe would you recommend?
The Baked stuffed courgettes with spinach, ricotta and pine nuts sound really good!
Thank you Nancy for answering our questions and see you soon!
Published by Laurence - 03/08/2013
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