Becca's interview

We interviewed Becca!
Visit the blog: Becca's Baking Blog.
Discover Becca's favourite recipe: Christmas shortbread biscuits with a sweet heart
" If you are thinking about starting a food blog of your own, you should! It is so fun and it actually inspires you to get better at something you already love rather than just sticking to the things you already know you can make. "
Hello Becca, so tell us...
1. When did you start your blog? What inspired you?
I started my blog back in March, 2012. I was struggling to find work and found myself filling the time, not spent job hunting, with baking. I had been considering trying to start a blog for a while by this point but had not found a topic that I wanted to pursue. Baking had not occurred to me, as it was not something I used to do very often, except for the occasional batch of cupcakes. Yet with all the free time I found myself enjoying it more and more, and wanting to experiment more. It also helped that I had people to test things out on. So even if I didn't want to eat them, then someone would. After a few successes, I realised that this would be the perfect topic for a blog! Sure, lots of people have done it, and I was not expecting to really make any impact, but it would be fun and would keep me amused. And it does, since I'm still here two years later.
2. In your wildest dreams, where is your blog going to take you as it develops?
Oh, that's a tough question. I don't really dream that big. I would love to publish a cookbook, as I have seen a number of food bloggers do. I'd need to try coming up with more of my own original recipes before I could do that though, so the dream's a long way off.
How active are you in the blogging community? Have you met any interesting people through your blog or has it brought you to new places?
Not as active as I want to be. I am horribly shy and get intimidated by social interactions, even on the Internet! I am trying to get better though. It is one of the main reasons I joined the ‘Dessert Challenge Blog Party,’ hosted by Lady Behind the Curtain. It forces me to get out there.
I've certainly found a lot of new, fascinating food blogs since starting my own, as I am more motivated to go out looking for new recipes to try or to gain inspiration for an idea I have. Unfortunately, that horrible shyness I previously mentioned, means I've not really interacted with any of the people who run them yet.
What is your secret weapon in the kitchen?
Really it's things like a good electronic scale and an oven thermometer. Oh, and a set of measuring cups. So many good recipes come from American blogs and everything is in cups rather than grams or ounces! I prefer not to rely on conversions so having a set to hand is really useful.
What dish or menu could you not live without?
I think a single dish would be too hard to choose, so let's go with menu. It's got to be Italian! I'm actually quite a fussy eater but put me in an Italian restaurant and I'll be spoilt for choice. Plus they make the best ice cream!
What is your earliest memory involving food?
I know when I was a kid I used to eat the leftover, raw pastry. I never liked the cooked stuff and never ate any when my Mum made pies. But if it was raw I ate it up no problem. I also remember this amazing buttermilk bread, which I have still not been able to recreate, since I don't have the original recipe.
What chefs do you admire most and why?
Hm, I feel like I do when I get asked about bands. I generally don't have a particular band that I like or admire. Rather, I have songs that I like, regardless of who sings them. Same goes for recipes. I don't know!
That being said, I can't help but like Heston Blumenthal for his creativity. Those 'Amazing Feasts' he did a few years ago were fascinating to watch. Coming up with a way to recreate the 'Drink Me' potion from 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' was so impressive!
If you could be a contestant or guest on any cooking show, what show would you choose?
Oh, that's easy. I would love to take part in the 'Great British Bake Off', though I definitely need to get more experience with making and using pastry. There are so many rounds involving the stuff!
Which Gourmandize recipe would you recommend?
This recipe for shortbread with a boiled sweet centre caught my eye. They are so pretty and yet so simple. I remember making something like it when I was about nine-years-old for my school teacher. I've been meaning to give it a try again:
Christmas Shortbread Biscuits
Any last words or message for our readers?
If you are thinking about starting a food blog of your own, you should! It is so fun and it actually inspires you to get better at something you already love rather than just sticking to the things you already know you can make.
Thank you Becca for answering our questions and see you soon!
Published by Laura - 03/02/2014
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